Friday, August 15, 2008

How do you manage your contacts?

This is a question you should ask yourself on a daily basis. Evaluating how you handle your contacts will be a major determining factor into accomplishing your goals.
Just for a minute think about this... "The Phone Rings", you answer it, it's John. You know John is working hard and trying to meet new people and also get his business off the ground.

Is your first instinct, how can John fit into my business? How can I sell John my product? How much you are going to charge him?... Since after all "You do KNOW him". If this is you, I suggest one thing for starters. John didn't call you to ask you to sell him a product or service, or maybe he did. But maybe John just wanted to share about what is going on his world and wanting to know whats going on in yours.

Here is a very important fact: Friends do business with Friends. It has been this way for a very long time and I don't think that "rule of thumb" is going to change anytime soon. (Note: Make more friends). Here is something else to realize, John has something to say. People love to be heard and by you listening to John, he feels valued and important. If he feels important he will will be the guy you can call on late at night and answer the phone, like we talked about earlier.

What does John want? John wants assistance from you, he wants your advice, he wants your feedback on a situation. He has done something you have worked hard for "He is calling you" and YOU are the EXPERT! Giving John the expert feedback, will motivate him to make the necessary implementations and/or changes to his business. He will NOT forget that you were the one that helped him. You now have a powerful connection that knows people, that will get the message that you are the expert and how you helped him. Don't be surprised if you get calls from people he knows.

Here is another thought. "Don't wait for John to Call". Maybe, start off by giving John a call and asking him about his business and if their are any needs that he has, that you may be able to help him with your contacts/database/expertise/etc. "Whats the catch" he is thinking. There is no catch! When he knows there's no catch, he will reply with how can I help you. Let that linger to a follow-up conversation after you did what you said you would do, creates a powerful scenario where both of you WIN!

How many Johns do you know? What are you doing to help them! I promise the rewards are great!

Jake Press ----- Reporting.

1 comment:

- Jarvis said...

The process of listening to someone and helping with their business often puts you directly in the line of fire for the person to "return the favor." It's not just being a good friend or delivering good customer service, it's an effective business building strategy.