Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Do you know about these Online Events?

Featured Site: ....."How are you networking?"

So there you are!

You are at an event to meet people "business contacts" and here you are stuck in front of a guy, who just won't stop talking! He is going on and on about things that really don't interest you. Over in the corner next to the coffee table is someone that you know you have to speak to... what do you do?

You don't want to be rude, but you have to talk to this contact. Politely excuse yourself from the conversation by asking for their card and letting them know it was great meeting them and you have to meet this other person before he/she leaves. There is however another solution... how about scrapping that networking event all together and joining something that I found recently, it's called

Now normally I wouldn't write an entire column on a company "site", but I found it to be incredibly resourceful with loads of potential. What if you could have those meetings from your office/home computer and phone with no traffic or "How's the weather conversations"? Here's how it works... You sign into and join "It's free.. plain and simple". You then have access to events whereby you will speak to several different people that pop onto your computer screen in 5 to 7 min increments. You dial into a number given to you and you will hear hold music letting you know that your blitztime is about to start. So now there you are, in front of your computer with the person that is about to speak to you in a matter of minutes or seconds. You have 5 minutes to tell what you do, what you can do for them and "vice versa". No weather conversations here! During the call within the last 20 seconds, get their phone number and email address if it's someone that has shown "interest" in what you do. Don't let the time run out before saying goodbye, but if you do, there are still ways to connect in the site.

It's a great way to polish, how you present your service or product and get you sharpened when speaking to others. I think this company is setting the future standard for how people will network online.

You may access them at "Check it out today and see what YOU think!"

----Jake Press Reporting.

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