Thursday, February 7, 2008

Do you have a written plan? Step 2 in a series of Steps.

Hello again, We just finished talking about passion and motivation to "get out there" and start achieving your dream of doing what you love to do, on your track to making the millions of dollars. Passion will get you far places, but if you are anything like me, your passionate drive MUST drive you somewhere and that somewhere my friend, must be written down.

This is such an easy concept to write down an idea or concept for changing the world or revolutionizing that industry, but taking the necessary time to do is another issue. I am here to tell you that if you don't write down your vision the following things will happen:

1. You will lose focus and sight of your goals. Candidly, you will forget what you are going for..
2. You won't know the steps to get there.
3. You will be in a stagnant position.
4. You will be looking for people to help and not know what help you need.
5. You will begin to be weary and un focused, because you will not know when you are close to
getting there. Your starting point or milestone so to speak.

Now that we have outlined what we must NOT do, let’s talk about the steps to writing down the steps!

1. Right Now! You must grab a pen and paper and start writing down your ideas, start numbering them and jot them down, I don't care if it's on scraps, write it down!

2. After initially writing down the ideas, schedule some time, if now is not good, to organize your idea in sections of needs and wants. What do I need to be successful; a programmer, designer website, business cards, tools, utensils, just start listing them. This way, you will know what gaps you need to fill.

3. I am not going to overwhelm you with more steps; we will get to this later.

Let’s start here.

I really would appreciate your thoughts and feedback, therefore, please send your comments. I am writing this to help people out there that are serious about their dreams and just needing some guidelines, tips, and hints to helping them further... their BIG IDEA.

Jake Press --- Reporting.

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