Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?? Step 1 of a series of Steps

Do you have what it takes to be successful? Do you know what embodies success? I want to talk about the entrepreneurial mindset of American "Big Thinkers" who have a passion and vision to succeed! If this describes you, continue forward. If it doesn't, you can't be successful at anything if you don't have the passion to drive it all the way through!

Elections are here today! Did you vote? Voting is about making change and advancements in operating laws that are "suppose" to benefit us, hopefully. Such a change also starts with you. Voting is not just about deciding who wins position, but rather the opportunity to partake in making decisions that will impact our world. YOU have the choice to make that impact. It starts with your ideas, of what you feel will drive a new industry, existing industry and make something better, faster and/or easier.

Do you have what it takes? If you do, then you have already or will start writing a written plan of action for how you are going to get your idea off the ground. Guess what if a plane doesn't move off the runway then it will never fly. The same goes for your ideas, if you don't make moves on your idea to position it into a marketplace, it will stay stagnant! How sad that is, that so many of the ideas, fall into useless hands who have bought the lies of mediocrity, and looking at what they don't have as resources to get out there and make it happen! DON"T BUY INTO IT! There are unlimited resources on the web, dummies guides, howstuffworks.com, and SBA free programs that will assist you in making an idea a real opportunity. I promise your steps will be worth it. Please stay tuned for more motivational insight into Entrepreneurial America “ The Big Ideas”

Thinking Big!

- Jake Press Reporting

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